
Jukka Liikanen



Refurbishing old buildings can be challenging for fire safety 专家, usually due to the conservation status of listed buildings, narrow and dense structures, limited solutions for exit safety and unnoticeable technical installations. 与许多其他欧洲国家相比,芬兰的建筑存量仍然相对年轻, 因此,旧建筑的翻新过程通常与新建筑相似.

In a typical refurbishment project, 由于旧物业的特点或保存状况,必须彻底执行消防安全规定. 通常不可能遵守规定,但偏离的数字总是需要仔细和具体的考虑. 在大多数情况下, 然而, 翻新是根据建筑条款进行的,而不是根据消防安全规定进行的, 在不改变房屋用途的情况下,这是普遍接受的做法.

每个翻新项目都需要消防安全专家根据建筑的具体特点和挑战量身定制解决方案. 芬兰国家剧院和赫尔辛基大学的主楼是需要考虑到每座建筑独特的空间和结构复杂性的消防安全解决方案的项目的例子.


芬兰国家剧院翻新的第一阶段发生在大约20年前,当时该建筑最著名的部分-主舞台-进行了翻新. 五年, second phase of the renovation is now complete, covering about half the theatre's spaces built in the 1930s and 1950s. 翻新包括舞台、员工室和面向Kaisaniemi公园的小舞台.

In contrast to the original plan, 对房舍的重新安排和技术设施的现代化是在现有结构上进行的, 由于城市规划投诉,该物业的扩建计划被推翻. 狭小的场地自然给实施技术解决方案带来了挑战.

The third stage – a 200-seat hall – was built in the old workshop space. The use of the space changed from staff to public use during the renovation, 这也意味着它的出口安排和消防安全要求变得更加苛刻. The required solutions were found through applied design, 出口的安排可以适应建筑现有的楼梯井.

In protected listed buildings, the scope for spatial changes is limited, so fire safety is often improved by using technical equipment. 在国家剧院,其自动灭火系统的覆盖范围也扩大了. 除了, 在项目期间,小舞台大厅的玻璃墙被实心钢玻璃墙所取代. This required mechanical smoke ventilation, which was unnoticeably installed into the hall’s existing beam spacing.


The main building of the University of Helsinki was built in two phases. 面向参议院广场的部分于19世纪上半叶完工, while the section facing Fabianinkatu, 现在翻新, was completed in the early 20th century.

During the renovation of the university’s main building, particular attention was paid to improving the exit safety solutions. The building’s staircase solution, which was typical for the time period, was not the most effective way to safely evacuate the building. As part of the refurbishment, one new exit staircase was added to the building, and the exit routes were significantly improved.

The functions of the building’s protected areas remained unchanged. The new building 服务, including ventilation ducts and electrical, 管道, 排水系统, were concealed as discreetly as possible in the old building mass. 大, new machine rooms were placed on the building's roof, out of sight from the street and building's users.

除了 to renovating the early 20th-century part of the building, 该物业的南部庭院被改造成500平方米的新室内空间. 改造中的扩建工程要求在新空间中屋顶钢结构的尺寸以性能为基础.

Site supervision was also carried out during the project, with a particular emphasis on fire compartments. 该建筑的近100扇门窗需要翻新或改造为防火隔间, 负责该项目的消防安全专家负责检查, reporting and supervising these modifications.

The Role of the Fire Safety Engineer in Refurbishments

When working on refurbishment projects, 消防安全专家需要扎实的实践和理论知识来应用解决方案. 从翻新项目开始就很明显,即使是最新的建筑图纸也不能反映实际和现有的解决方案. 因此, 消防安全专家从项目一开始就采取实用的方法是很重要的.

在翻新工程中,消防安全工程师最典型的任务是检查出口安全和承重结构以及防止火灾蔓延. 除了, projects will look at the suitability of fire compartmentation, smoke ventilation and surface materials. If building use is changed during renovation, the fire safety aspect is also highlighted, 由于新用途的适用性和出口的安全性都经过仔细评估. 因此,从消防安全的角度来看,翻新不是纸上谈兵,而是关注目标物业的独特之处.

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Jukka Liikanen