SOLAS Regulations in Marine Fire Investigations




Fire investigation is not solely about origin and cause. Wider factors such as ineffective emergency response delivery and inadequate fire equipment maintenance should also be investigated, as this can contribute to the spread and development of fire. Skilled marine fire investigators are frequently called upon to provide insights into these aspects of fire incidents, using relevant SOLAS regulations to support their findings.

International Regulations for Ship Safety

Three components are essential for ensuring the safety and security of maritime operations: the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), the International Safety Management (ISM) code and the ship safety management system (SMS).

Emergency response arrangements used to manage a shipboard fire are governed by SOLAS, which specifies a range of fire safety principles in the form of regulations. While flag states are responsible for ensuring that ships under their flag comply with these regulations, the responsibility for implementing these requirements rests with the vessel owners through their company policies and 程序 in the form of the ship’s SMS.

The ISM code requires ship owners and operators to implement an SMS, as it addresses all the important policies, 实践, 程序, and risk management issues onboard a vessel, 包括消防安全. The ISM code is an international maritime standard for the safe management and operation of ships at sea developed around three basic principles – the safety of people, 船舶及货物, 还有环境. Compliance with the ISM code is mandatory per SOLAS Chapter IX, Regulation 3.


Since each regulation under SOLAS has its own purpose, the marine investigator should consider the implementation of the vessel's SMS during the course of their inquiry. 例如, 章II-2, 规则10 -消防, provides specifications for the suppression and extinguishing of a fire. The functional requirements of this regulation relate to the vessel's suppression and fixed fire-extinguishing system installations and the criteria for those systems being readily available in an emergency.

在这个例子中, the investigator will want to survey the onboard fire suppression and extinguishing equipment to confirm compliance with SOLAS regulations. This survey may include equipment like water supply systems, 隔离阀, 消火栓的数量和位置, 消防泵, 消防水管, 固定灭火系统, 消防队员的服装, 和压缩空气呼吸器. If the investigator identifies an issue of concern, 他们可以要求进一步的资料, 如维修和培训记录, 应急响应计划和清单, and fire extinguishing equipment instruction manuals.

The above thread of inquiry may lead to further regulation considerations, 就像太阳, 章II-2, Regulation 14 – Operational Readiness and Maintenance. It may be that the condition of the equipment surveyed does not support the ship's onboard firefighting systems as maintained in a state of readiness. 具体地说, the investigator might discover a defective fire pump or poorly maintained compressed air breathing apparatus.

SOLAS holds vessel owners accountable for maintaining international standards. 如果发现不符合SOLAS, 该船可被视为不适航, 意思是这艘船, 机组人员, or equipment is not reasonably fit for purpose.

Skilled Marine Investigators Make a Difference

Familiarity with SOLAS is paramount for marine fire investigations. 詹森·休斯资源充足, with skilled investigators who recognise the significance of SOLAS regulations in a marine fire investigation. 了解更多关于彩宝网的信息 海上火灾调查能力,或致电+44(0)141 639 6611与彩宝网平台联系.



Mike has been in fire industry since 1997, serving nearly 18 years in the Fire Service.