


In an increasingly connected and complex world economy, it’s more important than ever for companies to plan for an emergency. 无论是自然灾害, 新的法规遵从性标准, 设备故障或人为错误, global companies need to be prepared to respond.

While many companies have robust emergency planning and response 项目, 有些公司只处理 应急响应计划 事件发生后的间隙. 在这篇文章中, we’ll look at 10 reasons why companies should be prioritizing their emergency response 项目 and preparedness initiatives.

  1. 展示对安全的承诺
    Keeping employees safe should be the top priority of any company. By establishing countermeasures to potential threats and associated risks, companies can substantiate the importance of employee safety and the protection of surrounding communities and 环境.
  2. 改善法规遵从性
    Regulatory non-compliance fees are an avoidable expense. By systematically aligning regulations with corresponding response plans and their components, your company can identify plan deficiencies to avoid unnecessary fines or possible mandatory shutdowns.
  3. 简化过时的流程
    One of the common reasons response plans aren’t effective is because they are outdated. It can be a challenge to keep up with the constant administrative tasks of most response plans. 虽然这在过去是真的, maintaining a comprehensive response plan is now significantly easier due to the availability of 创新的软件, which can cut down the cost and time associated with maintaining response plans.
  4. 标准化响应方法
    一个一致的, company-wide emergency response system can deliver site-specific details and management-endorsed response processes. Standardization allows employees and 急救员 to conceptualize their roles and responsibilities across an enterprise, creating a common understanding of intended actions. 一致的, site-specific methods can assist 急救员 in assessing, 优先处理和应对事件.
  5. 提高资产利用率
    公司应该依靠员工, 急救员, equipment and budgets effectively in order to minimize the effects of a crisis or disaster. 重新调整流动有形资产, 减轻已发现的低效率, and budgeting for additional response training or improved equipment will improve the overall effectiveness of an 应急管理 程序.
  6. 缓解设施/场地条件
    The conditions of your facility or site may have an impact on safety or an effective response. 对居住者构成危险的条件, 环境, 基础设施, and the surrounding communities should be altered or eliminated. The risk assessment process can be used to identify conditions that can lead to emergency incidents.
  7. 通过风险评估减少事故
    当潜在的威胁和风险被识别时, measures can be taken to mitigate or even eliminate the potential for an emergency. Mitigation efforts can include training for employees, updating safety procedures or securing updated equipment.
  8. 减少停机时间
    Emergencies cause operational downtime and production loss, leading to reduced profit. By implementing an effective 应急响应计划, incidents can be promptly managed and rapidly demobilized, 减少成本和停机时间.
  9. 节省成本
    积极的合规工作, 安全措施, 训练和练习, and response and resiliency planning are typically less expensive than regulatory fines, sustained response efforts and overall repercussions resulting from an incident.
  10. 提高训练水平
    员工培训, emergency response drills and applicable exercises identify deficiencies in emergency 反应计划 项目. Incorporating appropriate response training and testing response plans with detailed scenarios will improve response capabilities and coordination as well as reduce response times.

如你所见, there are many sound reasons why your company should invest time in developing a comprehensive and effective 应急响应计划. Technology can help make the job a whole lot easier. Solutions for managing 反应计划 ̶ such as SMARTPLANTM ̶ combined with best-in-class expert consulting provide a path for keeping your organization safe, 安全且有弹性. 了解更多 about how Jensen Hughes can help you leverage technology to develop and maintain effective response plans.