



在过去的十年里,开源情报(OSINT)有了很大的进步。. 什么是开源智能? OSINT is the analysis of information about people or organizations from publicly available sources. While this type of analysis is widely recognized as a corporate security operations best practice, 彩宝网平台仍然会遇到 执行保护(EP)机构 他们还没有将这种能力植入到他们的保护行动中.

OSINT is a crucial element of an integrated approach to threat monitoring for protective operations. OSINT服务可以提供宝贵和及时的习惯洞察, 生活方式, 以及特定主题的心态, 包括从他们的地址, 车辆, 以及朋友和同事的身份, 计划, 还有与武器有关的帖子, 极端主义的原因, 还有令人不安的灵感来源. 结合威胁监测, OSINT services help to identify actors within groups that may pose a direct risk of violence.

The following are some reasons why OSINT strategy is an important part of an executive protection client’s prevention-oriented security approach:


Individuals who target a company or its executives aren’t always known ahead of time. Individuals may privately exhibit risk factors but often do not publicly display this behavior. 他们使用匿名资料在网上“暗中”运作, 不参与品牌内容,尽可能保持隐私.

The conscious decision to physically harm or even kill an individual is often referred to as targeted violence. 有针对性的暴力通常是有计划的, 没有感情和掠夺性, 然而,冲动暴力是反动的,只有很少的事先计划. A grievance that goes unrecognized or resolved can escalate to an ideation that is researched and planned, 准备, 经过考验,最后以悲剧收场.

2018年的真实犯罪系列, 暗杀范思哲: 美国 犯罪的故事, 由安德鲁·库纳南(Andrew Cunanan)讲述的对时尚巨头的真实谋杀. In addition to depicting Cunanan’s childhood influences and history of violent behavior, it also notes his escalation from obsession and irrational thoughts about Versace to eventual stalking and pre-attack preparation. 而范思哲的谋杀案发生在社交媒体出现之前, this same behavior is exhibited by some attackers today who are technology-savvy and is evidence of the “pathway to violence.”


彩宝网平台的情报情报组知道威胁分子是如何演变的. 彩宝网平台看同样的公开可用, public information about our clients but do so through an investigative lens. 彩宝网平台搜索网站来识别电话号码和地址, 哪些可以通过公共记录获得信息. We search profiles on social media that provide additional information to search or verify information found elsewhere. We examine cached data and run multiple searches through an extensive portfolio of sophisticated OSINT technology tools and open- source databases, 包括暗网.

彩宝网平台试图抢在坏人之前获取信息. 比如网络安全卫士, 彩宝网平台漫步, sweep and linger in the same places frequented by individuals with malicious intent, 使用调查程序来发现有害的数据. 例如, an aggrieved individual with a grudge against a CEO or other executive could easily glean enough information from social media postings to show up at the school of the executive’s children or their sporting match during an away game. 他们可以破门而入,偷走贵重物品, tail family 车辆s on shopping trips or stalk the executive when the family is on vacation.


  1. 在社交媒体账户上启用隐私设置. 它们越来越难找到并激活了. It’s worth having your in-house team or experts periodically assess whether any changes have been made to social media accounts or user data-sharing policies that expose your protectee to risk.
  2. Avoid posting content that might increase risk if posted in the public domain. It’s safe to assume that whatever is on a social media profile can be viewed or shared by individuals with harmful intent. Effective protective operations include educating the protectee and their family and staff on the risks associated with allowing posts and other online content to include personal information, 比如生日, 居住城市, 学校, 计划好旅行或社交活动的日期.
  3. 使用密码管理程序. 使用像NordPass这样的软件, RoboForm and Keeper – supported by two-factor authentication – the protectee only needs to remember one password, 这有助于避免跨网站重复使用密码. 请确保密码中不包含任何个人信息, 比如中间名, 生日, 孩子的名字, 宠物的名字, 电话号码或家庭住址的一部分.
  4. 关闭未使用帐户. 这在财务账户中尤为重要.
  5. 执行或授权一个基线的、开源的情报评估. Use the results of OSINT team's analysis to educate the protectee on the risks and proactive steps they can take to limit their risk by closing, 关闭, 在公共领域删除或更改任何敏感信息.
  6. Review OSINT reports regularly and be prepared to escalate to formal behavioral threat assessments at any time. 保持定期、定期的OSINT扫描. Change or update keyword search terms to broaden or narrow the scope of review based on the risk, threat and vulnerability environment confronting the protectee as the OSINT program evolves.


简而言之, an OSINT strategy’s three most powerful features for any protective mission include: (1) the ability to detect, remove or neutralize a wide range of hostile penetration technologies; (2) flexibility in sweeping facilities in advance of key meetings or conducting “live monitoring”; and (3) greater assurance among senior leaders and attorneys that critical discussions and information are confidential and protected.

Jensen Hughes specializes in behavioral case management services and threat assessments for companies across all industries as well as U.S. 联邦机构、其他政府雇主和非营利组织. 了解更多彩宝网如何利用彩宝网平台的 开源监控 专家, intelligence analysts and researchers to help you discover information on threats to your executives, 员工, 或者组织和跟踪需要干预的问题.

黛布拉K的大头照. 科比


黛布拉K. 科比
黛布拉有巡逻行动的指挥经验, 调查, 有组织犯罪, 执法培训, 政策发展, data-led policing and internal affairs with an acute focus on integrity systems, covert operations and the need for strong accountability practices in support of operational priorities.