Yacht Security: Managing Risk in Ports and on the High Seas




Our support to private clients extends to wherever they live, work, play or travel. For some of them, much of that activity happens on vessels, from classic sailboats to mega yachts. 如你所料, 确保安全, 安全, 保护所有者, 客人, 工作人员, 船舶及设备, as well as sensitive data and information related to the boat and its occupants, 没有什么比保护家园更重要的了吗, corporate office or other land-based assets and activities.

It can be helpful to think about yacht 安全 in three different environments: on the vessel, 在港口或码头, 在开阔的水面上.

  1. Onboard Security Protecting the Vessel, Occupants and Key Systems
    与房屋或庄园相似的, 游艇必须有可比的保护, 高度专业化, “smart” boat 安全 systems for control of unauthorized access above and below the waterline and throughout the yacht’s interior. 帮助确保通信的完整性, well-equipped yachts include encrypted satellite phones and links in addition to standard, 船上信息技术网络和信息安全系统.

    Medical and emergency response capabilities range from 工作人员 members who are licensed and qualified as Emergency Medical Technicians to fully functioning hospital rooms, 设备和人员. Many large yachts include features such as decompression rooms, helipads and remote medical lines like MedAire that enable remote assessment of a patient’s condition. A few even include “citadel” or “safe rooms” complete with independent ventilation systems, 预先储存的水和食物供应.
  2. Port and Marina Security Controlling Physical and 数字 Access
    Many ports and private marinas include extensive 安全, 游艇所有者普遍关心的问题是什么. 尽管如此, a yacht’s 安全 team needs to confirm that the capabilities advertised are truly in place, 最新的, 全面且维护良好. In addition to effective perimeter and grounds 安全, it is vital that yacht vendor services personnel be appropriately screened before allowing them onto the premises and, 具体地说, 在任何游艇上.

    Another common issue involves the yacht’s policies and controls for the provision and use of wireless services. 当然, continued use of encrypted satellite communications protects information, 但这些服务也很昂贵. 此外, 业主的家庭, 客人, 工作人员 and vendor service personnel should only be permitted to use the marina’s wireless network after ensuring that the marina’s information 安全 capabilities are appropriately robust. It is also important to evaluate the marina’s use of surveillance technology and its ability and practices governing the storage, redundancy and look-back duration of 安全-related video footage.
  3. Safety and Security on the Open Seas and in International Waters
    Security on the high seas is an entirely different matter. 新 技术 are introduced continuously to deal with an increasingly complex, 远海游艇安全环境. 这些令人兴奋的发展包括,例如:
  • Long-range acoustic devices that generate pain-inflicting sound beams to repel pirates or other threatening individuals.
  • 水下声纳探测系统, 追踪和识别潜水员, mini-submarines and other underwater vehicles up to a range of 1,200米.
  • Anti-drone detection and defeat systems that identify drone activity and positioning, establish an electronic “exclusion zone” around the yacht and, 在某些情况下, 捕获并恢复完整的恶意无人机.
  • Mist- or smoke-based cloaking systems that help protect the vessel and confuse attackers until response teams arrive.
  • Exterior lockdown systems that can be triggered in seconds.
  • Propeller entanglement systems composed of compressed air-launched nets and weighted loops.

Many of these features are non-lethal and approved by various national and international authorities for use on yachts. More aggressive capabilities range from electro-magnetic wave weapons, stun grenades and rubber ball grenades to highly-trained, specialized 安全 personnel armed with sophisticated weaponry, 比如制导导弹.

另外两个类别对开放水域的安全至关重要. 其中一项包括疏散计划和设备, 比如带有内置GPS追踪器的逃生舱, 温度和防火屏障控制, 空气和水净化系统, 氧气瓶, 去纤颤器, 专门的药物和静脉输液. 另一种涉及一系列广泛的信号, 通信和成像设备, 比如远程日光和热成像摄像机, 探照灯, 扩音器和激光设备.


这些仅仅是今天的能力. 随着威胁的演变, I expect we will see a fascinating array of new 安全 技术 protecting yachts in the future. Jensen Hughes 安全 experts can help assess your physical and technical 安全 and provide recommendations to prevent harm or mitigate potential breaches. 进一步了解彩宝网平台的 私人客户和家族办公室服务.



Steve brings to our clients decades of expertise in cyber安全, 关键系统保护, 数字取证, 行政保护, 设施物理安全, 财务/内部威胁调查, 团队建设, 劳动力培训和政策等等.