Engineered Solutions For Fire Safety

彩宝网平台的核心专长是为所有类型的建筑寻找创造性的、可实现的消防工程解决方案, structures and projects while minimising unnecessary costs and constraints on designers. 彩宝网平台对消防科学的详细了解和对监管框架的全面了解使彩宝网平台能够在技术和创新的前沿提供消防安全工程服务. 消防工程是一个强大的工具,可以实现根据《彩宝网》的规定无法实现的项目成果. You can depend on our team to consistently identify practical, original solutions that add value to your project.

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Key Services


Performance Solutions

在消防工程过程中,彩宝网平台与主要利益相关者密切协商,制定消防工程性能解决方案,对实现BCA/NCC合规至关重要. 按照国际消防工程指南(IFEG)工作,同时也处理与NCC视为满足(DTS)规定的背离, 彩宝网平台审查并确定设计机会,然后准备包含适当解决方案的报告.

Strategy + Master planning

彩宝网平台技艺精湛的消防工程师协助制定建筑消防安全策略,并采用最新的性能解决方案进行总体规划. We optimise improvements over the asset’s life cycle, helping clients strategically plan compliance and enhance building performance. Utilising the latest thinking on fire strategy along with our advanced technical expertise, 彩宝网平台确保从各个角度全面考虑项目解决方案,并确保客户获得最佳的建筑解决方案.

Fire Order resolution

When a building does not meet fire safety requirements and is deemed unsafe, a fire safety order is issued with a time set to rectify the defined issues. 聘请一家合格的消防公司来处理议会的消防命令,有助于确保所有工作都在保险范围内,并完成命令的各个方面. We will guide you through the process, 与发证机构联系,充分了解情况,制定解决策略,同时实施实现合规所需的补救措施, tailored to your circumstances.

Fire + Smoke Modelling

先进的计算机建模使彩宝网平台能够了解挑战,并找到在发生火灾时管理建筑物性能的最佳解决方案. Using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for fire and smoke modelling, we test the safety level and validate fire prevention systems. 这包括评估走廊和楼梯的烟雾控制系统性能以及喷水灭火系统的规格和定位.

Fire Safety Upgrades

Our fire engineering work makes fire safety upgrades for existing buildings feasible. Rather than simply following prescriptive provisions, we keep an open mind and employ creative approaches to find optimal outcomes. To correctly determine what is required, 彩宝网平台进行彻底的消防安全审核,并提供一份报告,概述需要改进的地方. The fire safety upgrade involves updating various fire safety elements, such as improving the fire rating of building segments, installing specific alarms, smoke detection, sprinklers and emergency lighting, or revising evacuation plans.

Evacuation Modelling

建筑物必须允许人们自由移动,并在发生紧急情况时迅速撤离. 彩宝网平台使用3D计算机模型和实时可视化来演示当大量人员在场时建筑环境是如何工作的,并预测潜在的问题. Our simulations replicate the exact circumstances, whether it is an office building, railway station, airport or sports stadium. Our fire engineers use evacuation modelling to test and validate building configurations, 评估备选方案并制定设计方案,以实现安全高效的疏散.

Design - Fire Safety

彩宝网平台的消防安全设计方法允许建筑师更自由地将设计美学和功能结合起来,同时为开发人员提供更大的机会来释放项目价值. 彩宝网平台从消防和生命安全的首要原则出发,设计设施和建筑物,而不是使用规定要求的一揽子应用. 彩宝网平台的消防工程团队拥有先进的消防工程资格,并在澳大利亚所有州和地区获得认证. 彩宝网平台在世界各地也有丰富的项目经验,有能力召集彩宝网平台的国际同事.

Infrastructure + Tunnel Modelling

火车站、地下系统和公路隧道并不完全符合合规规定. 凭借彩宝网平台为大型基础设施项目提供消防和生命安全设计服务的丰富经验, we can help you stay compliant with relevant 澳大利亚n standards, guide you through the maze of design constraints and respond to project specific needs, all while helping you achieve high levels of public safety.

Expert Witness

We provide expert witness support for fire safety cases, including expert testimony, litigation support and scientific analysis. Our experience covers malicious intent, construction defect and fire protection systems. 彩宝网平台的消防工程专家提供重要的技术专长和可靠的科学分析,以支持您的索赔, along with extensive knowledge of building code and 澳大利亚n regulations.

Product Development

Using our extensive expertise in fire safety engineering, 彩宝网平台通过监管框架指导制造商,并帮助他们进行测试和报告,以证明新建筑产品的合规性. This includes reporting for Codemark Certificates issued by other accredited bodies.

Cladding + Façade Evaluation

彩宝网平台的消防安全专家将帮助您识别和解决不符合标准的外部包层和外墙,并概述整改工程的要求. To determine compliance with NCC government and council requirements, we will inspect the cladding on-site, review the product documentation and, 如果需要, manage the sample testing process. Where cladding is found to be non-compliant, 彩宝网平台将提供建议,帮助您实现安全合规,并推荐合适的替代材料. 彩宝网平台也可以就安装在现有建筑物上的ACP编制符合诉讼要求的报告,帮助解决非投诉覆层的索赔.

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